When bloggers go too far
Browsers are not the future
Sol in 47 seconds
Nothing say CHRISTMAS like…
New Microsoft Site Bombs
Via… The Source of the Problem
Viral Insurance Racket
The fear of infection is power over users.
Woo! New 307
The 5 Rules of WebDev
Truth be told, there are no rules to what you have to abide by when designing a new website. You can do pretty much what you like, but then again, you might not have much repeat traffic. Here are some tips for those starting out.
Introducing the PS… Erm… 360
URLRewritingNet .* DefaultPage Hack
The Ex-Best Keyboard
Disabling Explorer Tooltips
Aethiest vs Mormons
Australian film-maker John Safran is so fed up with Mormons ringing his doorbell early in the morning that he flies to Salt Lake City Utah and tries to convert Mormons to atheism. Needless to say, the locals were not pleased.