Aren’t cameras awesome. More specifically, digital cameras. I’ve been playing with my Fujifilm Finepix s5600 lots recently and alongside learning how to do decent exposures and bracketing (for HDR imaging), I’ve started to use Photoshop for it’s real purpose on this world… Photo editing.

No, I haven’t increased the red’s saturation at all. I just dropped the saturation on everything apart from the eyes and her red fluffy toy thing. I can’t help but think that’s awesome =)
I’d love to do some outdoor HDR shots over the fens but I really need to get a tripod… Even with the anti-shaky-hand mode, it’s nigh on impossible to take 3-9 shots of exactly the same thing which is what you need to do a really good HDR mash-up.
And congratulations to Seopher for making it into 9rules without conscious thought, something I’d like to accomplish one day.
Oh well. Back to suffering from the manflu.